
Hello once again,


I have 3 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS for this week:

1) Tonight, Tuesday, November 15 @7pm is a wonderful meeting for all parents and students put on by Catapult. It will take place in Elijah Hall and will be focused on Math Problem Solving! It is highly recommended for you to attend!

2) Thanksgiving Food Drive is on! Please bring in your canned foods and donation items at anytime. You are doing a great service for the entire community who cannot afford to experience a nice, Thanksgiving meal. God Bless you!

3) Last but not least, the BOX TOP fundraiser is an ongoing fundraiser to raise money for field trips. If your child is interested in attending more field trips this year, bring in those box tops (attached to the paper handed out in class)! This is an ongoing fundraiser so Box Tops can be turned in throughout the year! But, don’t waste time!

Thank you & God Bless!

~Mrs. Sosa